Acrylic Keychain with Custom Design

Create your own unique keychain using acrylic and a custom design. Perfect for adding a personal touch to your keys or as a thoughtful gift.

Intermediate 2 hours $10

Steps: 1. Start by selecting your custom design and printing it out. 2. Place the printed design on top of the acrylic sheet and trace it using a fine-tip permanent marker. 3. Carefully cut out the design from the acrylic sheet using a craft knife. Take your time to ensure clean and precise cuts. 4. Use sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges on the acrylic piece. 5. Mark the spot where you want to attach the keychain ring and drill a small hole using a drill with a small drill bit. 6. Clean any debris from drilling and attach the keychain ring to the hole. 7. Apply a clear adhesive to the back of the acrylic piece to secure the design in place. 8. Allow the adhesive to dry completely before using your new custom keychain.


Materials: - Acrylic sheet - Keychain ring - Custom design printout - Craft knife - Sandpaper - Drill with small drill bit - Fine-tip permanent marker - Clear adhesive

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