Handcrafted Ceramic Coasters

Create beautiful and functional coasters using ceramics, perfect for adding a touch of style to your home decor.

Intermediate 4 hours $30

1. Start by rolling out the ceramic clay to your desired thickness. 2. Use a cookie cutter or template to cut out coaster shapes. 3. Use carving tools to create unique designs and textures on the surface of the coasters. 4. Smooth the edges of the coasters with sandpaper. 5. Fire the coasters in a kiln or oven according to the clay manufacturer's instructions. 6. If desired, apply glaze to the coasters and let them dry. 7. Once dry, your handcrafted ceramic coasters are ready to use!


Ceramic clay, rolling pin, cookie cutter or template, carving tools, sandpaper, kiln or oven, glaze (optional), paintbrush

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