Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Drill a hole in the wooden base to place the wireless charging coil.
2. Solder the copper wire to the wireless charging coil.
3. Connect the USB charging cable to the wireless charging coil, taking care to connect the correct wires.
4. Connect the diode, capacitor, transistor, resistor, and LED in series with the wireless charging coil.
5. Use a multimeter to ensure the correct connections and voltage.
6. Solder all the components together, following the circuit diagram.
7. Secure the components and wiring to the wooden base using hot glue.
8. Plug the USB cable into a power source and place your phone on the wireless charging coil to test.
9. Adjust the positioning and distance of the wireless charging coil if necessary.
10. Enjoy your homemade wireless phone charger!