Painted Rock Garden Markers

Create colorful and fun garden markers using painted rocks. This engaging activity will teach kids about different plants and help them personalize their garden.

Garden & Outdoor Kids Activity Beginner 3 hours $15

Steps: 1. Wash and dry the rocks thoroughly. 2. Paint each rock with a base color and let it dry. 3. Once the base is dry, use different colors to paint plant names or draw corresponding pictures. 4. Allow the paint to dry completely. 5. Apply a layer of outdoor varnish to protect the paint. 6. Use waterproof markers to add any additional details or accents. 7. If desired, attach garden stakes to the back of the rocks using glue. 8. Apply a clear sealant spray for added protection. 9. Let the markers dry and cure before placing them in the garden.


Materials: - Smooth rocks - Acrylic paint - Paintbrushes - Outdoor varnish - Waterproof markers - Clear sealant spray - Garden stakes - Glue (optional)

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