Smart Plant Watering System
Create a simple smart watering system that automatically waters your plants when the soil moisture level drops below a certain threshold. It's a great way to ensure your plants stay hydrated while showcasing your tech skills.
Tech & Gadgets Intermediate 4 hours $50
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Connect the soil moisture sensor to the Arduino using jumper wires (VCC to 5V, GND to GND, and the signal pin to an analog input).
2. Connect the relay module to the Arduino (VCC to 5V, GND to GND, IN pin to a digital output pin).
3. Connect the water pump to the relay module, ensuring the pump's power supply is also connected.
4. Place the soil moisture sensor into the soil of the plant you want to monitor.
5. Write a simple Arduino sketch to read the moisture level and activate the pump if the moisture level is below the threshold.
6. Upload the sketch to the Arduino.
7. Test the system to ensure the pump activates when the soil is dry.
8. Use hot glue to secure any loose connections and ensure everything is stable.
9. Set up the water container beneath the plant and connect the tubing from the pump to the soil area.
10. Monitor the system for a few days to ensure it operates correctly.
1x Arduino Uno board
1x Soil moisture sensor
1x Relay module
1x Water pump
1x Tubing (for water delivery)
1x Power supply (for the pump)
Jumper wires
1x 1-liter water container
1x Resistor (10k ohm)
1x Diode (1N4001)
Hot glue gun (optional)