Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Choose a location in your garden where you want to hang the spider web.
2. Cut four long pieces of black yarn or string (around 5-6 feet each).
3. Tie the four pieces of yarn together at one end to create a knot.
4. Spread out the yarn to create a star shape, with each piece of yarn pointing in a different direction.
5. Take one piece of yarn and tie it to the end of another piece, about 1-2 feet away from the center knot. Repeat with the remaining pieces of yarn, creating a crisscross pattern.
6. Continue tying the yarn together at various points along the strands to create the spider web design.
7. Secure the ends of the yarn to trees, posts, or other garden structures using tape or push pins.
8. Add plastic spiders to the web by applying a small amount of glue to their bodies and sticking them onto the yarn.
9. Allow the glue to dry completely.
10. Step back and admire your spooky spider web garden decor!